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Donate to STA

Do you have any connections or tax-deductible spare change that could help make our STA plans a reality?
Not Legally Binding: A good faith promise and a moral commitment, not a legal contract.

Changes: Your pledge can be amended or changed by a note or call to the school office.

Confidential: No one will know the amount of your pledge.

Installments: Your pledge can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.Visa and MasterCard will be accepted.

Tax Deductible: Pledge payments are tax deductible. Donations of appreciated stock, bonds, real property, and gifts in kind can provide favorable tax savings benefits

No Average Gift: "Equal Sacrifice not Equal Gifts" is our campaign motto. Each household is asked to pledge according to individual means and circumstances. Please be as generous as possible, over and above regular offertory donations.

Support STA

â–ª Wishlist

o Adopt-A –Student



St. Teresa of Avila is still in the process of forming an Alumni Council, as we are still creating a database for our alumni. If you are an alum, please complete the form below to add you to our database.

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